2) Extract images from video data_src - 从data_src.mp4视频中提取帧并将其放入自动创建的“ data_src”文件夹中,可用选项:-FPS-跳过视频的默认帧速率,输入其他帧速率的数值(例如,输入5将仅以每秒5帧的速度呈现视频,这意味着将提取较少的帧)
-JPG / PNG-选择提取帧的格式,jpg较小,通常质量足够好,因此建议使用,png较大,不能提供明显更高的质量,但是可以选择。
3. 视频切割 (可选环节):
3) cut video (drop video on me) - 通过将视频拖放到该.bat文件中,可以快速将视频剪切为所需的长度。 如果您没有视频编辑软件并且想快速剪切视频,则很有用,可以选择以下选项:
3. 从目标视频中提取画面(data_dst.mp4):
3) extract images from video data_dst FULL FPS - 从data_dst.mp4视频文件中提取帧并将其放入自动创建的“ data_dst”文件夹中,可用选项:
- JPG/PNG - 同2)
-根据要训练的模型的面部类型选择提取的覆盖区域: a) full face (简称F脸,额头部分有些许被裁到) b) whole face (简称WF脸,范围更大,整个额头都取了,兼容WF和F脸模型) c) head (不常用,给高玩做avatar用,萌新用不到)
-选择是否生成“ aligned_debug”文件夹
[0] blur 模糊程度
[1] face yaw direction 俯仰角度
[2] face pitch direction 左右角度
[3] face rect size in source image 人脸在原图中的大小
[4] histogram similarity 颜色直方图相似度
[5] histogram dissimilarity 颜色直方图不相似度
[6] brightness 亮度
[7] hue 颜色色相
[8] amount of black pixels 黑色像素的数量(常用于筛选异常人脸提取结果)
[9] original filename 源文件名字
[10] one face in image 是否是画面中唯一人脸
[11] absolute pixel difference 绝对的像素差异
[12] best faces 筛选最佳的人脸
[13] best faces faster 更快的筛选最佳的人脸
- 最高640x640分辨率,
- 可支持half face, mid-half face, full face, whole face and head face 5中人脸尺寸类型
- 8种模型结构: DF, LIAE, 每种4 个变种 - regular, -U, -D and -UD
- 可调节的批大小(batchsize)
- 可调节的模型各层维度大小
- Auto Backup feature 自动备份
- Preview History预览图存档
- Adjustable Target Iteration 目标迭代次数
- Random Flip (yaw) 随机水平翻转
- Uniform Yaw 按角度顺序来训练
- Eye Priority 眼神训练优先
- Masked Training 带遮罩训练
- GPU Optimizer 优化器放GPU上
- Learning Dropout 学习率自动下降
- Random Warp 随机扭曲
- GAN Training Power 使用GAN
- True Face Training Power 提高人脸相似度
- Face and Background Style Power 提高颜色相似度
- Color Transfer modes 变对素材变色
- Gradient Clipping 梯度裁剪
- Pretrain Mode 使用预训练模式
Color transfer for src faceset ( none/rct/lct/mkl/idt/sot ?:help ) : 此功能用于将data_src的颜色与data_dst进行匹配,以使最终结果具有与data_dst相似的肤色/色调,并且训练后的最终结果不会在人脸移动时改变颜色(如果脸部不同,可能会发生这种情况 角度是从包含不同光照条件或颜色分级不同的各种光源获取的。 有以下几种选择:
第一个将询问您是否要使用带交互界面的转化器,默认值为y(启用),除非你受虐狂,不然就好好开着吧,边调参数边预览 Use interactive merger? ( y/n ) :
第二个将询问您要使用哪种模型: Choose one of saved models, or enter a name to create a new model.
[r] : rename
[d] : delete
[0] : df192 - latest
第3个会问您要在合并(转换)过程中使用哪个GPU / GPU: Choose one or several GPU idxs (separated by comma).
[0] : GeForce GTX 1070 8GB
[0] Which GPU indexes to choose? :
2. Hist match threshold:在直方图匹配和无缝直方图覆盖模式下控制直方图匹配的强度。
Q - 增加值
A - 减小值
3. Erode mask: 控制遮罩的大小。
W - 增加遮罩腐蚀(较小的遮罩)
S - 减少遮罩腐蚀(较大的遮罩)
4. Blur mask: 使遮罩边缘模糊/羽化,以实现更平滑的过渡
E - 增加值
D - 减小值
5. Motion blur: 动态模糊。输入初始参数(转换器模式,模型,GPU / CPU)后,合并将加载所有帧和data_dst对齐的数据,同时,它会计算用于创建此设置控制的运动模糊效果的运动矢量,让您 将其添加到人脸移动的地方,但是即使移动很小,高值也可能使人脸模糊。 该选项仅在“ data_dst / aligned”文件夹中存在一组面孔时才有效-如果在清理过程中某些面孔带有_1前缀(即使只有一个人的面孔),效果将不起作用,同样 如果有一个可以反射目标人员面部的镜子,在这种情况下,您将无法使用运动模糊,并且添加该模糊的唯一方法是分别训练每组面部。
R - 增加motion blur
F - 减少motion blur
6. Super resolution: 超分辨率使用与data_src数据集/面部设置增强器类似的算法,它可以为牙齿,眼睛等区域添加更多定义,并增强所学面部的细节/纹理。
T - 增加细节 the enhancement effect
G - 减少细节 7. Blur/sharpen: 使用方块或高斯方法模糊或锐化所学的面部。
Y - sharpens the face
H - blurs the face
N - box/gaussian mode switch
8. Face scale: 缩放人脸
U - scales learned face down
J - scales learned face up
9. Mask modes: 6种遮罩计算方式,效果自己试一遍就知道了
dst: uses masks derived from the shape of the landmarks generated during data_dst faceset/dataset extraction.
learned-prd: uses masks learned during training. Keep shape of SRC faces.
learned-dst: uses masks learned during training. Keep shape of DST faces.
learned-prd*dst: combines both masks, smaller size of both.
learned-prd+dst: combines both masks, bigger size of both.
XSeg-prd: uses XSeg model to mask using data from source faces.
XSeg-dst: uses XSeg model to mask using data from destination faces.
XSeg-prd*dst: combines both masks, smaller size of both.
learned-prd*dst*XSeg-dst*prd: combines all 4 mask modes, smaller size of all.
10. Color transfer modes: 与训练过程中的颜色转移类似,您可以使用此功能将学习到的脸部的肤色与原始帧更好地匹配,以实现更加无缝和逼真的脸部交换。 有8种不同的模式:
11. Image degrade modes: 您可以使用3种设置来影响原始帧的外观(不影响换面):
Denoise - denoises image making it slightly blurry (I - increases effect, K - decrease effect)
Bicubic - blurs the image using bicubic method (O - increases effect, L - decrease effect)
Color - decreases color bit depth (P - increases effect, ; - decrease effect)
TAB button - 在主预览窗口和帮助屏幕之间切换。
请记住,您只能在主预览窗口中更改参数,按帮助屏幕上的任何其他按钮都不会更改它们。 -/_ and =/+ buttons are used to scale the preview window.
Use caps lock to change the increment from 1 to 10 (affects all numerical values).
8. Q: 我什么时候应该启用或禁用随机扭曲,GAN,真面,样式效果,色彩转移和学习率下降?When should I enable or disable random warp, GAN, True Face, Style Power, Color Transfer and Learning Rate Dropout?
11. Q: I've turned off all additional features and the training is still giving me OOM errors even at low batch size.
18. Q:转换期间 警告:检测到多张脸。 强烈建议分开对待它们,并警告:检测到多张面孔。 将不使用定向模糊。 I'm getting errors: Warning: several faces detected. Highly recommended to treat them separately and Warning: several faces detected. Directional Blur will not be used. during conversion
- start by going into folder ...:_internalfmpeg and copy ffmpeg.exe
- paste it into the merged folder
- open up command line by pressing windows key + r (run) and typing cmd or searching it up after pressing windows key and typing cmd/cmd.exe
- copy address of your merged folder (example: DFLworkspacedata_dstmerged)
- in the command line type the letter of your drive, as in example above that would be "d:" (without quotation marks) and press enter
- line D:> should appear, next type "cd: FULL_ADDRESS", example: "cd: D:workspacedata_dstmerged"
- you should now see your entire address like this: DFLworkspacedata_dstmerged>
- enter this command:
- xx is framerate
- d is a number representing amount of numbers in the file name so if your merged frames have names like 15024.jpg that would be 5, if it's 5235.jpg it is 4, etc.
If your images are pngs, change .jpg to .png
- crf is quality setting, best to be left at 20.
If your merged file names have some letters in front like out12345.jpg add "out" before the % sign.
Example command for converting frames named "out_2315.png" into an 30 fps .mp4 file named "deepfake".