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raise Exception ("示例 %s 中出现异常。 错误:%s" % (sample.filename, traceback.format_exc() ) )
Exception: 示例 87595.jpg 中出现异常。 错误:Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\deepfacelab\_internal\DeepFaceLab\samplelib\SampleGeneratorFace.py", line 134, in batch_func
x, = SampleProcessor.process ([sample], self.sample_process_options, self.output_sample_types, self.debug, ct_sample=ct_sample)
File "D:\deepfacelab\_internal\DeepFaceLab\samplelib\SampleProcessor.py", line 56, in process
sample_bgr = sample.load_bgr()
File "D:\deepfacelab\_internal\DeepFaceLab\samplelib\Sample.py", line 112, in load_bgr
img = cv2_imread (self.filename, loader_func=self.read_raw_file).astype(np.float32) / 255.0
MemoryError: Unable to allocate 6.75 MiB for an array with shape (768, 768, 3) and data type float32