发表于 2022-8-16 09:56:55
Enable random warp of samples ( y/n ?:help ) : Random warp is used to generalize a model so that it correctly learns face features and expressions in the initial training stage but as long as it's enabled the model may have trouble learning the fine detail - because of it it's recommended to keep this feature enabled as long as your faces are still improving (by looking at decreasing loss values and faces in the preview window improving) and once all look correct (and loss isn't decreasing anymore) you should disable it to start learning details, from then you don't re-enable it unless you ruin the results by applying to high values for certain settings (style power, true face, etc) or when you want to reuse that model for training of new target video with the same source or when reusing with combination of both new SRC and DST, you always start training with RW enabled. Default value is y (enabled). |