发表于 2021-11-9 16:15:41
回帖奖励 +2 灵石
Running trainer.
Loading model...
Model first run. Enter model options as default for each run.
Write preview history? (y/n ?:help skip:n) : y
Target iteration (skip:unlimited/default) :
Batch_size (?:help skip:0/default) : 8
Feed faces to network sorted by yaw? (y/n ?:help skip:n) :
Flip faces randomly? (y/n ?:help skip:y) : y
Src face scale modifier % ( -30...30, ?:help skip:0) :
Use lightweight autoencoder? (y/n, ?:help skip:n) :
Use pixel loss? (y/n, ?:help skip: n/default ) :
Using TensorFlow backend.
Loading: 100%|######################################################################| 654/654 [00:00<00:00, 858.71it/s]
Loading: 100%|####################################################################| 1530/1530 [00:01<00:00, 982.61it/s]
===== Model summary =====
== Model name: H64
== Current iteration: 0
== Model options:
== |== write_preview_history : True
== |== batch_size : 8
== |== sort_by_yaw : False
== |== random_flip : True
== |== lighter_ae : False
== |== pixel_loss : False
== Running on:
== |== [0 : Generic GeForce GPU]
== WARNING: You are using 2GB GPU. Result quality may be significantly decreased.
== If training does not start, close all programs and try again.
== Also you can disable Windows Aero Desktop to get extra free VRAM.
=========================老师 以上我按照视频教程提示设置的参数
提示我“== WARNING: You are using 2GB GPU.”
怎么搞啊 我的是1660super的显卡 讲道理应该是6GB的显存